That's 2011 over with and what a year it has been!
The Arab Spring (and Summer, Autumn...) The occupy protests, The fall of Gaddaffi, the death of Osama and the usual violence emanating from a small Ionian coast nation towards anything which gets within range of its venom.
Of course I fully expect 2012 to be just as eventful if not more. This years could be the years when things start to noticeably change for Israel and its allies. In the US we have the draconian National Defense Authorisation act for the fiscal year 2012, which allows for the detention without charge (and naturally without trial) indefinitely of anybody the US military suspects of terrorism.
Of course the idea is that the American public will believe that the people being detained are a load of backwards stereotyped Arab terrorists and think this is a good thing, luckily most commentators know better and the act looks to become a major source of contention as the nation gears up to this years presidential elections in which it seems the Libertarian minded Republican Ron Paul seems to be set to make a major challenge for the Republican nomination and the Presidency.
As we know Ron Paul is no fan of big government, attacks on civil liberties or wars for Israel.
The establishment candidates are throwing everything they can at him, even the dreaded r-word* has reared it's character destroying head. Their is even increased talk of secession for some states, Texas in particular. The United States will change this year, either for better or for worse.
In France we also have presidential elections where it looks like the Front National may make a serious challenge against the 'Zionist' tribesman Sarkozy who is currently in the habit of looking tough on immigration, forcing immigrants to speak French and such while secretly his trousers become browner by the day. It seems he is keen to split the Patriotic vote, either that or he is deluded enough to think he can win it. Sure as eggs is eggs the Zionist establishment in France will do everything they can to prevent Marine Le Pen from taking France out of the EU and withdrawing its troops from Zionist wars in the Middle East.
Moving onto the Middle East we see a stronger push for a true Palestinian state, a second revolution in Egypt as well as the continuing violence in Syria (after finding no solid evidence of wrongdoing by the state, the latest cry from the BBC is that the observers are incompetent!) so it looks to be war, if the Israel lobby can manage to convince us via its media that
Finally, growing weary of writing this big bloody article we move onto old Blighty. This year we are hosting a massive waste of money in the east end (where the cockneys used to live).
The Olympics is being bummed up something rotten by state television, showing their 'ZION' logo at every opportunity and talking to middle class nit-wits whose knickers are wringing at the opportunity to be subjected to non-stop advertising by huge corporations and multi-culti propaganda every minute for a few week.
It all looks set to blow up in the Tories faces, literally even, if Iran get some fuel rods from Russia and David "Rothschild's bumboy" Cameron continues pissing Ahmedinejad off at every opportunity.
I won't insult my small readerships intellect by pretending that this year will be a good one for British Nationalism, I'll save that for the next article.
Till I have nothing better to do than whinge on the Internet, see you folks!
*Racism-a term for somebody who thinks Marxist dogma is bullshit.
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