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Adolf Hitler 'The Great', ruler of Germany 1933-1945 |
Above is a link to a disgusting pseudo-intellectual article by a man I consider to be the sickest traitor to our cause I have ever come across, not least because he purports to be one of us. I hope nobody is too disturbed by it or becomes demoralised by the lies it contains.
In it he slanders one of the finest human beings to have ever lived based off of gossip surrounding the man's grandmother and the fact that Ernst Rohm was a homosexual. I have outlined my position in this open letter to Simon Gibson below:
To Mr.Gibson,
I take this article as a declaration of war against heaven. As an ‘avatar’ of Odin the hanged god, Adolf Hitler was a representative of Asgard, home to the progenitors of the Aryan race.
All the conclusions you have made are based off of hearsay and in my opinion, spite, spite aginst the only man who could speak up for Germany and for German people in their darkest hour. He was a man sent by the Aesir, an old soul who had lived many centuries and thus into a pureblooded German body. The man suffered immense hardship and victimisation by the Jewish state as did all who followed him. You have wrote many entertaining paragraphs about things peripheral to the articles bold and heretical title and none of them have convinced me that you are anything but a fool and a jackanape.
You even take the word of Jewish historians to describe the Fuhrer, that says it all. Ever since he registered on their radar they have slandered him with the same accusations you are regurgitating
Your presupposition was that Rohm had some massive influence of the Führer, that maybe he was in love with him. Even the rubbish and biased state education I recieved did not deny that the Führer ordered that fat faggot shot. I see no reason to nitpick every word you have written but I can state that you have the wrong frame of mind for the oncoming struggle, should we ever meet Mr.Gibson I would be happy to educate you in the error of your ways as gentlemen should resolve such matters.
In the meantime I suggest you rethink your life and evaluate whether you are in this for the good of the Aryan race and of our holy ancestors in Asgard, Alfheim and Vanaheim.
Yours most sincerely and despite the letter writing convention,
Robert Shepard,
Cult of the hanged god.
I as I have rarely if ever mentioned on here subscribe to the belief that Hitler was either a messenger of the gods, or something supernatural himself. (Some believe one of the autistics, who were once believed to be Elves in human form according to folk tales, a belief I do not discourage the spread of)
As such I have a devotion as strong to him as I have to my people, I believe, like Odin he is the very embodiment of Aryan values and to denigrate him is to denigrate our race as a whole. Whats more I must emphasise that in fighting communism, the Führer stood not only for the Aryan race but for all other human races. The Zionists wish to see us all destroyed, preferably by mutual destruction and it would be foolish to reject this man out of the Judeo-Marxist concept of 'racism' or any other such baloney. To fight Zionism you must raise the banner they fear most, that of the sun cross, preferably in the form that shines the brightest, with the red background, white circle and the black hooked cross.
It is not politically correct to say but I say this from the inner depths of my heart:
Heil Hitler.
Thanks for reading.