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Marine Le Pen, placed third in France's presidential election on Sunday. |
For the first time in the modern history of the French Republic, the current incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy came second to his main establishment rival Francois Hollande.
Our modern day maid of Orleans, received a total of 17.9% of the vote. Monsieur Hollande received 28.6% and the shifty midget Sarkozy received 27.1%. Effectively I find it amazing how poorly Sarkozy did, I blame my own failure to do more in depth study on the matter. I assumed his attempts to piggy back off of public anger would bear more fruit. I suppose I mis-underestimated Hollande and the foolishness of the French public.
I don not leave this matter disheartened greatly though, our heroine managed an excellent vote. She managed to even beat her father's record of 16.86% during the first round of 2002's election, which saw him face off against President Chirac in the second round.
You may think this a technicality, another victory for Globalism now two establishment candidates face each other in the next round. There is room for optimism however.
The FN will be contesting the Assembly elections later this year and hopefully will gain representation, the last time round of all the parties that gained no representatives, the FN had the highest vote.
Also, as a former supporter of the British National Party I know full well how hard Nationalist movements struggle while governed by populist right wing candidates (the decline of the FN in 1979, the decline of the BNP post 2010) because, unfortunately many who vote for nationalist candidates fail to understand the distinction between genuine patriotism and the hollow flag waving of globalist, pro-immigration, pro-war for oil politicians of the establishment.
Luckily for us, the left are always slow to play such a stratagem. While the centre-right will cry and wave the tricolour while singing 'Le Marseillaise', in order to gain votes, the centre-left represent establishment politicians who absolutely abhor their host country and would never even consider trying to appeal to French patriots.
For the FN and whoever leads them in five years time, I think this means that after five years of pseudo-communist misrule, the FN will find itself with a massive potential field of support, so long as they ensure that the UMP and the other centre-right parties remain unpopular. My recommendation would be to poach members and to cause disruption in the UMP's ranks while they have the opportunity (in keeping with the law of course).
Other events await to be played out this year of course, the US presidential election (the republican primaries leave only establishment Romney and libertarian Ron Paul) along with the potential disturbance of the Olympic games, I'm not alone in worrying about the increased security and the murmurs amongst certain groups that believe their could be a major incident. My money would be on a strike from a foreign power, but who knows?